40 – Becoming a Shame-Free Childfree Latina with Rena Martine

Shame: everyone knows what it is because shame is a universal emotion. So how do you become shame-free? Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Although not Latina herself, guest Rena Martine shares her expertise in addressing shame, which is deeply rooted in Latine culture. Rena is a former …

39 – Challenging the Grandparent Entitlement Mindset with Rosalba Fontanez

In this re-released episode, guest Rosalba Fontanez is challenging parents to love their children without expectation of grandchildren. As the mother of a childfree person herself (the host of this program!), she knows a little bit about the pressure to have kids and the toxicity of the mindset that grandparents …

38 – We’re the Otherhood with Theresa Gonzales

Here’s a scary stat: less than 2% of the technology sector workforce is made up of Latinas. And yet tech is all across our lives. What are you reading these show notes on right now? How are you listening to this podcast? It’s all tech! Listen here: Or choose your …