63 – Where Do I Belong? Childfree Life on the Margins with Amanda B.

“Where are you from?” is a question asked all too often of people who are visibly “not white.” So what does it mean to be American in a melting pot of immigrants?   Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Picking up where we left off last time, guest …

62 – Cultural Reflections: Adopted & Childfree with Amanda B.

Continuing to explore the parallels in various cultures, we’re celebrating AAPI month by exploring the world of childfree adulthood with Amanda from Six Degrees of Cats podcast in Part 1 of this two-part episode. Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Where do Latinidad and East Asian/Midwestern cultures overlap? …

61 – Non-Mom May: Celebrating Otherhood by Building Community

Since host and childfree Latina Paulette Erato was ironically born on Mexican Mother’s Day (which is always observed on May 10th), she’s turning May into a celebration of The Otherhood, aka Non-Mom May! Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Non-Mom May is a fiesta dedicated to amplifying the …