Author: Paulette Erato

#72 – Is Motherhood a Scam? With Yoreim Virella (Part 1)

In part 1 of a two-part interview, we’re diving into an enlightening conversation with Yoreim Virella, a Diásporican, humanitarian, entrepreneur, and content creator. Get ready to explore the importance of setting boundaries, overcoming cultural pressures, and living authentically, especially when it comes to choosing to be childfree. Listen here: Or …

#71 – Dismantling Diet Culture with Dr. Hortencia Jimenez

Dive into the insidious nature of diet culture with Dra. Hortencia Jimenez, a sociologist, professor, author, and health coach. She highlights the interconnectedness of diet culture with systemic oppression (calling it a spider web) and the importance of dismantling toxic cultural norms. Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: …

#70 – What is Human Design with Ydaiber Orozco

Dive into Human Design with childfree Latina, actor, and coach Ydaiber Orozco, as we explore some burning questions like:  Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Whether you’re a skeptic or a fan of personality frameworks like Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram, this will probably spark your curiosity. Plus, can …

#69 – Childless Cat Ladies vs Project 2025

Misogyny: that’s what Project 2025 is advocating for and this Childless Cat Lady isn’t having it. Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: For every social media warrior who proudly declares #IUnderstandTheAssignment, there’s a counterpart ready to gleefully embrace a wave of Christofascist extremism that threatens to strip women …

#68 – Hilarious Fails of Childfree Wedding Invitations

What’s the fastest way to offend your potential wedding guests? Commenters on Threads and Instagram posted a million different options for telling people to leave their “trophies” at home. In Part 5 of the childfree wedding series, childfree couple Paulette and Ryan are once again reading through the crudest yet humorous …

#67 – Saying “I Do” Without the Diapers: 5 Rules for a Childfree Wedding

What’s the “proper” way to tell your guests you want a childfree wedding? From the etiquette of hosting an adult-only affair to the most tactful ways to convey this message to your guests, we’re all over this sometimes-taboo topic. Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Childfree couple Paulette …

#66 – Ditch the Flower Girl with Childfree Housewife Vivian Manganello

Part 3 in the childfree wedding series comes to us in the form of an email from Vivian, a now “retired” childfree housewife.  Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Vivian’s wedding planning started off as a wild ride navigating family expectations, Catholicism, and even some social shaming, all …

65 – Just Say No to Burnout with Karenna Soto

Burnout isn’t a gold medal earned at the Exhaustion Olympics. It’s totally avoidable,  but in our hustle culture, we often wear exhaustion like a badge of honor. Trust that there’s nothing honorable about sacrificing your health. Take it from someone who has suffered the consequences! Listen here: Or choose your …

63 – Where Do I Belong? Childfree Life on the Margins with Amanda B.

“Where are you from?” is a question asked all too often of people who are visibly “not white.” So what does it mean to be American in a melting pot of immigrants?   Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Picking up where we left off last time, guest …