Category: Show Notes

49 – A Childfree Destination Wedding: Worth the Drama with Andrea Watt

Another childfree wedding success story—this time, it’s a childfree destination wedding! Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Bride Andrea Watt shares her experience in throwing the childfree wedding she always wanted: at sunset on the beach with only a small group of adults as guests. It doesn’t sound …

47 – Let’s Get to 100…on Substack! *Hiatus*

As you heard last week, we’re moving to Puerto Rico! So while that’s happening, *new* episodes will be on pause. Because as I always tell you: rest is required! So I’m taking a break from producing new content.  Don’t worry, you can still get your regular dose of La Vida Más …

46 – Puerto Rico: A Crash Course on Island Life

Have you ever been to Puerto Rico? Did you know it’s part of the United States? If you didn’t, you’re not the only one! Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: That’s just one of the seven surprising facts packed into this week’s episode, which you can consider your …

45 – Take That Risk with Luis Octavio

Serial entrepreneur and childfree Latino Luis Octavio has something to tell you about taking risks. He gives us the play-by-play of what it took to go from being a closeted experiential marketer to launching multiple companies and brands while fully embracing who he is as DI Güey.  Listen here: Or …

44 – Setting Boundaries for a Childfree Wedding with Jamie Feinberg

It’s wedding season! So let’s dive into the world of weddings, particularly childfree weddings, and the significance of setting boundaries during this emotionally charged event.  Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Weddings should be about the happy couple but can also lead to truly toxic drama that rips …

43 – Living Your Most Authentic Life with Fede Vargas

Have you ever wondered what life can look like after you’ve successfully dismantled the patriarchal bullshit our society throws at you? Fede Vargas is the living embodiment of how we can all do that. Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: After 15+ years in the rat race and …

42 – Debunking the Patriarchal Myth that Childfree People Hate Kids

We’ve been socialized to believe that the traditional “life script” is the ultimate path to happiness. And anyone who doesn’t follow it is doomed. Which puts childfree people, especially childfree Latinas y Latinas, at total odds with societal norms. Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: But who made …

41 – Dismantling the Toxic Latine Money Mentality with Wealth Warrior Linda Garcia

Just because the stereotype that childfree people have more disposable income exists, doesn’t make it true. And even if it is, childfree Latinas y Latines might have the added burden of a scarcity mindset instilled upon us by our culture. Instead of generational wealth, we inherit generational trauma. Listen here: Or …

40 – Becoming a Shame-Free Childfree Latina with Rena Martine

Shame: everyone knows what it is because shame is a universal emotion. So how do you become shame-free? Listen here: Or choose your favorite podcast player: Although not Latina herself, guest Rena Martine shares her expertise in addressing shame, which is deeply rooted in Latine culture. Rena is a former …